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  • How do I find a tutor?
    Fill out the online form under the Find Tutor page, or contact us directly via Whatsapp/SMS at 81256253. Our tuition coordinators will respond to your query by the next working day. To expedite the process, if contacting us via SMS/Whatsapp, kindly provide the following information: Details of Student Subject to be Tutored Address of Tuition Venue Preferred Tutor Qualifications (MOE/Graduate/Full-Time/Undergraduates) Frequency of lessons Time slot preferences Budget for lessons Any other preferences Upon receipt of request, our tuition coordinators will send you the profiles of suitable applicants based on your preferences. We prioritise sending you the tutors which have received good reviews from other clients first. Some of our tutors may also contact you directly through our platform or Whatsapp.
  • What are the types of tutors available and their differences?
    There are 3 broad types of tutors, which are segmented according to the market rates charged by the tutor: 1. Undergraduates - These are tutors who are tutoring part time and have not attained a degree or diploma yet. These tutors are often the most affordable option, but may have less available time slots and may not be able to commit for extended periods of time. 2. Graduate/Full Time Tutors - Tutors who have graduated and who are mostly tutoring full time as their occupation, as private tutors or at other learning insitututes. These are tutors who will have much more years of experience, but the rates and qualifications of each full time tutor may differ greatly from individual to individual 3. MOE-Trained/Current School Teachers - These are tutors who have taught officially in government schools or international schools. They will tend to command higher rates but have the most amount of resources and will be familiar with the latest syllabus and pedagogy. Do note that our platform does not control the rates for each tutor. Each tutor quotes their own rates based on their own qualifications, experience level and the accessibility of the tutoring location. However, our company will try to send you profiles which fall within your indicated hourly budget.
  • How can I verify the qualifications of the tutor?
    Tutors are required to submit either the soft copy of their certificates to our platform or bring down the hard copies of their certifications for parents to view on the first lesson. We do not send out soft copies of certifications directly to any client due to privacy laws. Should any discrepancies be detected, do contact us immediately. Our agency does not hesitate to blacklist any tutors who may provide fraudulent information. Whilst we do our best to ensure the accuracy of information, we do not take responsibility for any inaccuracies in the information which are presented by the tutors themselves.
  • Requesting for Specific Tutors
    You may request for specific tutors through our partnering website at To do so, please send a request through the House Tutor platform, or message our coordinators through whatsapp with the Tutor name and Tutor ID. Do note that any request for a specific tutor is subject to the tutor's current availability. Rates that are indicated on each tutor's profile page may also be subject to change.
  • What are the charges involved in finding a tutor?
    Parents or students enjoy a free service and do not have to pay any matching fees or commissions. Matched tutors are charged the first two weeks (or the equivalent number of lessons in two weeks) of tuition fees as a commission for assisting them with find a suitable tuition assignments. We will collect this payment on behalf of our tutors from clients directly To illustrate, if the first month's tuition fees for an assignment is $360, we will collect $180 directly from the parents after the end of the 2nd week. The remaining $180 will then be paid to the tutor directly at the end of the first month. Subsequently, parents will pay the employed tutors directly. The full details will be included in a confirmation invoice sent to you once the first lesson date and time have been arranged. Once the assigment is confirmed, an invoice with our payment details will be sent to you. Payment for lessons only needs to be made after the specified number of lessons on the invoice has been conducted.
  • What are the terms and details of the lessons?
    Firstly, we will determine where the client would like lessons to be conducted. Clients may be conducted at the , preferred public locations such as the cafes, or the tutor's home/studio upon client's request. The lesson date and start time as well as the tutor's rate for each assignment will also be confirmed beforehand. We ensure that each tutor will contact the client/parent before the first lesson to obtain the unit number directly and check on any specific areas the client would like to work on before the first lesson. Each tutor will have their own teaching style to accomodate to individual students. However, clients can request beforehand if there are certain teaching styles they would like the tutor to adopt or areas they would like the tutor to focus on
  • Can lessons be postponed? Is there a minimum commitment period?
    All postponements of lessons should be made 24 hours in advance by both parties. For the first lesson, Clients and Tutors should inform each other directly, as well as the agency. For subsequent lessons, clients and tutors may inform each other directly. Clients are liable to a late postponement penalty of 50% of 1-lesson fee if they do not inform tutors at least 24 hours in advance, to make up for the opportunity cost incurred by the tutor blocking off the time slot. This penalty may be incurred on a case to case basis. There is also no minimum commitment period. Both parties may terminate the assignment at any time. However, terminations must be made at least 24 hours in advance of the next lesson. Failure to do will incur a late termination penalty of 50% of 1 lesson. For client terminations, payment for all lessons conducted have to be made first.Subsequently, you may inform us of your wish to terminate and we will inform the tutor and settle their share of the payment directly. For tutors, termination will waive your right to all payment for the first month, and you may be required to pay late termination penalties if you do not inform us at least 24 hours in advance. We strongly discourage termination from tutors unless there are valid reasons.
  • Can I make changes to the lesson arrangement? (e.g. add subjects, students or frequency)"
    Yes of course.However, clients and tutors should keep us updated if there are any changes to the lesson arrangement such as a change in lesson frequency or duration, additional subjects required, or additional students being added in to the lessons. Our commission and fees collected will be modified accordingly to reflect the new arrangement.
  • How do I make payment to Premium Tutors?
    After two weeks of lessons have been delivered, kindly make payment directly to Premium Tutors. Our preferred mode of payment is via ATM/i-Banking to Premium House Tutors' (our subsidiary company) account: ​ DBS Current Account 198-9-004013 Premium House Tutors Pte Ltd. ​ We also accept payment by PayNow to Unique Entity Number (UEN): 201929992G Payment for all subsequent lessons beyond the specified number of lessons in the invoice should then be made to tutors directly.
  • How do I find assignments?
    All of our latest assignments can be found on our telegram channel at You may also sign up at our tutor portal at and apply for assignments in the portal. Do note that the tutor portal is best viewed and used on Google Chrome for Desktop. We accept and process applications via email and telegram only. Kindly ensure that you indicate the assignment code you are applying for clearly in each application. Other relevant info you should include for each application includes: Name: Age, Gender, Race: Address: Contact Number: Qualifications: Current Occupation: Relevant Results: Tuition Experience (in years): Brief description of experience in relevant subject(s): Preferred timings: Expected hourly rate: The more detailed you are in your application, and the more relevant information you provide, the higher your chance of securing tutoring assignments! Also, do take note that we propose your profile based on your indicated available timings and rate. You are free to indicate rates and timings which differ from the assignment details, and we will propose your profile accordingly. However, do note this will significantly lower your chances of securing assignments. So please be careful to indicate those accurately in your applications.
  • How to successfully get more assignments?
    1. Applications should be made via telegram or email. We typically match most assignments within 1 to 2 days, hence it is recommended that u apply for assignments which are posted within the last 1 to 2 days. 2. Tutoring profiles with as much relevant information as possible are more likely to be selected by parents. Such information includes, but is not limited to, relevant grades of subjects to be tutored (O/A Level), average grade improvements made by students, materials prepared, number of students currently on hand for applied level and subject. etc. 3. Kindly try to apply within the specified requirements if possible. For example, your proposed rate, level of education, timings as well as any other requirements should be closely aligned with the requirements of each posted assignment to increase your chances of success. 4. Tutors who have previously received positive reviews from other clients will always be prioritised, and any tutor who was found to flout the above mentioned rules or receives a high number of complaints from parents (>= 30%) may be permanently blacklisted from our database. 5. It is not compulsory for you to upload your certificates and/or a profile picture. However, by doing so, you will greatly improve the chances of you securing tutoring assignments as it will improve your credibility and reliability. Do note that tutors which apply for assignments they are not a good match for in terms of rate, qualifications, experience or who submit incomplete/brief applications may not successfully obtain any assignments at all. Our system also strictly prioritises tutors who have received good reviews from clients, on average. Thus if you receive mostly bad reviews it is unlikely you will be selected for most future applications.
  • Our Commission Structure/Agency Fee
    Our service is free for clients. For tutors, we generally collect the fees for the scheduled number of lessons for the first 2 weeks as commission for any standard long term assignment (> 3 months in total duration). The commission for any short term assignment is usually 25% of the total tuition fees, or as otherwise agreed upon between the agency and tutor. The commission is due to be paid directly by clients to the agency, and should not be collected by tutors under any circumstances, unless otherwise agreed upon. The number of lessons we will collect as commission from tutor is predetermined based on the long term frequency of lessons conducted, and any temporary changes in frequency or postpones during the first month of engagement will not affect the total commission amount due to Premium Tutors. Any tutors found to evade the agreed-upon commission will be permanently blacklisted. Such cases may also be referred to the Police or the Small Claims Tribunal on a case by case basis. If lessons were terminated by the client within the first month, you will be entitled to 50% of the total fees received. However, if the the tutor decides to terminate the assignment within the first month, the tutor will not be entitled to any payment.
  • What are the terms of service?
    1. Tutors are expected to commit for at least one month (unless there is valid reason such as illness for termination) or the agreed upon term for short term assignments. Tutors who do not adhere to the specified commitment period will waive their right to receive any payment from both the agency and client. Tutors are expected to behave in a professional manner, and the following rules will apply: - Be punctual and always deliver a full lesson timing. - At least 24 hours notice for any change in schedule, unless due to sudden sickness. MC must be provided. - No physical or verbal abuse will be tolerated in any form - Tutors should be at least somewhat competent in the subject area to be tutored. Any tutor found to be behaving in an unprofessional manner or who receives complaints which are verified with documentary proof will be permanently blacklisted from our service. We also reserve the right to seek legal recourse for any reputational loss incurred by tutors who behave fraudulently or negligently.
  • How to conduct lessons?
    - Lessons may be conducted in your own preferred style and teaching methods. However, it is expected that the teaching style/approach be relevant to the students level/subject. Any tutor found to be entirely unfamiliar with the syllabus or teaching entirely unrelated content (with proof from clients) will be blacklisted permanently from our database. - Tutors may provide their own materials and purchase supplementary materials for lessons. This should be discussed with clients beforehand and tutors should inform clients directly if they would like to be reimbursed for the purchase/supply of materials. Our platform will not be involved for any disputes regarding the provision of materials, and it will also not affect our commission collected. - Clients may also have their own preferences and requirements with regards to how lessons are conducted. It is recommended that tutors contact parents prior to the first lesson to draft out a lesson plan. There are no minimum commitment period for clients and they may terminate lessons at any time. However, payment will need to be made for each lesson in full.
  • Terms and Conditions
    Premium Tutor's Terms and Conditions 1. Registration The Standard Terms and Conditions listed here shall govern each users' usage of Premium Tutor’s (hereinafter referred to as “we”, "our", or “Premium Tutors” or "Premium House Tutor") website. The Website is under the ownership of Premium Tutors Pte Ltd and Premium House Tutor Pte Ltd. By using this website, you agree to accept all the terms and conditions written below. Otherwise, please kindly refrain from using this website any further. The Terms of this website are applied to all users, visitors and others who access or use this website. 2. Description of services offered Through our services, we match prospective clients and parents to connect with tutors for various arrangements, such as but not limited to: home tuition, music lessons, group tuition, online tutoring lessons, group classes, tuition centres or homework help. All visitors on our site shall be considered as “users”, regardless of whether they are registered. There are two types of users. “Tutors”, who are registered on our website or who apply for any of our tutoring assignments and Clients” - customers who hire tutors from our company. Users and members acknowledge that services provided through our website, application and respective distribution channels such as Telegram, Email and any other platforms where we may disseminate information regarding our assignments are the sole property of Premium House Tutor. This Agreement will also apply to any additional or revised Services we may offer, unless otherwise specified. We reserve the right to cancel, modify, or cease the offering of any of the Services mentioned above. You agree that Premium House Tutor will not be held liable for any modifications or cancellations in the provision of our services offered. All clients and tutors hereby acknowledge and agree that Premium House Tutor will not assume any responsibility or obligation for missed lessons, timeliness or any other wrong actions committed by any of our users. The tutors engaged through our platform are freelancers, and not to be regarded as employees of our company. 3. Member Account, Security and Password Users who register on our website are required to provide accurate and comprehensive information about themselves as provided in the forms. You agree to update the information should there be any changes. Any user found to provide inaccurate or outdated information may be terminated from using our website. We are not to be held responsible for any failure in the delivery of our services that may be caused as a result of the inaccuracy of information provided. When you register, we will collect information such as your name, occupation, date, gender, race and educational background. It is due to our client’s preferences and to facilitate the assignment matching process. There is no violation of the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore. Premium House Tutor reserves the right to use your information for its intended purpose, for example, to post your tutoring profile in public to attract clients, or to send out your tutor profile to prospective clients. We will also provide the contact number of clients and tutors to each other upon the confirmation of a tutoring assignment. Personal information such as your password, date of birth and address will not be made public. For full information, please read our privacy policy. Members should also provide complete and accurate information when submitting soft copies of documents, photos or certificates to our platform or to our staff. Any member found to submit false or inaccurate information may lead to the termination of your user account, and also the permanently prohibition for any further usage of our platform. Kindly note that you are the sole authorized user of a Premium Tutor or House Tutor account. You are responsible for the preservation of secrecy of your account details. If you suspect that your account has been breached, you are advised to inform us immediately. Our company will not be held liable for any loss or damage arising from a breach of the security of your account. You may contact us to delete your user account and remove all relevant details. However, Deleting and terminating your user account will lead to the full deletion of any information and data linked to your account, and we will be unable to retrieve it at a later stage. 4. Commission and Payment All references of payment are in Singapore dollars. You will be responsible for all taxes and your own CPF contributions for any payment or fees that you collect through the use of our services. The rates listed on our websites are guidelines of prevailing market rates. Exact price may differ for each assignment, and each tutor may quote their own hourly rates. The final rate is determined by the official confirmation invoice and email sent by Premium House Tutor to both our clients and tutor. Tuition rates agreed upon should be adhered to for the first month. Our company reserves the right to claim our commission fee based on the initial agreed upon rate. Clients are obliged to pay the payment within 3 days of the due date stated in the invoice. It is the payer’s responsibility to ensure that the relevant receipts are kept as proof of transaction and sent to our staff as per the instructions detailed in the invoice. We reserve the right to request payment again if documentary proof of payment cannot be provided. Clients are liable to pay tuition fees for all attended lessons and hours. If clients make payment in advance, refunds may be made to the client’s bank account if the full number of lessons paid for were not conducted. For any outstanding payments,, we will ask for payment through phone calls or messages. However, payment reminders by mail and/or legal action may be taken if payment delays exceed more than 14 days. The debtor will be liable to pay all costs (including legal and administrative fees) that may be incurred by our company in enforcing the payment of money. Any delay in payment should be communicated and acknowledged by Premium House Tutor or our staff immediately to prevent any misunderstandings. We will collect the conducted tuition fees directly from the client in most scenarios. Tutors who collect the commission fee on Premium House Tutor’s behalf should inform our agency immediately and make full payment within 3 working days. Tutors who do not pay the commission fees due to our agency will be liable to pay all costs (including legal and administrative fees) that may be incurred by our company in enforcing the payment of money. Any disputes or issues regarding tuition fees and payments beyond the first month will be outside of Premium House Tutor’s responsibilities. Clients should inform tutors at least 24 hours in advance if a postponement of cancellation of lessons is needed. Otherwise, clients will be liable to pay fees of 50% of 1 lesson, plus any transport cost that may have been incurred by the tutor. Any cancellations or postponements of lessons will not affect the commission amount due to our company. 5. Agreement between Clients and Tutors Clients may cancel or request for a change in tutor anytime after the first lesson, but all fees for conducted lessons will still have to be paid. Cancellations before the first lesson should be made at least 24 hours in advance, otherwise, Premium House Tutor reserves the right to impose administrative fees on both the client and tutor, as indicated in the confirmation email and invoice. The date and timing of the first lesson should be fixed according to the confirmation email and invoice. For subsequent lessons, clients may reschedule directly with the tutors. Any changes in frequency should be made known to Premium House Tutor immediately, which may result in a change of our commission collected. 6. Termination Premium House Tutor expects all our tutors to behave with high professionalism and ethical standards as they represent our company in the provision of services. General rules for tutors include the following, but are not limited to: Tutors should be punctual for lessons and deliver the full lesson according to the specified durations To give at least 48 hours notice if there is any change in lesson timing or postponement needed No physical or verbal abuse will be accepted or tolerated by our company. Tutors should be familiar with the syllabus of the subject they have indicated they can teach Tutors should spend the majority of the lesson teaching or helping students with their respective subjects, instead of participating in other activities such as the usage of mobile phones. As a user of our website, you agree that Premium House Tutor may without any prior written notice, suspend, modify, terminate, discontinue or limit your account and access to any of our services. The reasons for such termination or suspension include, but are not limited to: any breach of the terms and conditions mentioned above, any form of fraudulent or illegal activities, the nonpayment of any fees, poor performance. Etc. Users also agree that any terminations, suspensions or limitations of access are made at Premium House Tutor’s sole discretion. We are not responsible nor do we have to explain to any users with regards to termination of their profile or access to our services. Furthermore, you also agree House Tutor may stop operations at any time. Termination of your account will include the deletion of all information associated with or inside your account, and the removal of all access to all of the services offered by Premium House Tutor. You may also request to terminate or cancel your profile by clicking the “delete profile” button or submitting a request to us via email or whatsapp. The termination may take up to 14 working days to process. 7. Limitation of Liability Premium House Tutor tries our best to ensure the accuracy of details on our website. However, as the information provided on our website is mostly user-submitted, we cannot guarantee the qualifications or any other information about our tutors and users. There may also be situations of human error. By using our website, you agree not to hold Premium House Tutor liable for any inaccuracies in the information provided on our website. We also do not guarantee that our website does not contain viruses, infection or other malicious code. You are responsible for ensuring the safety of your own electronic device. Premium House Tutor and all of our employees, sub-contractors and agents will also not be held liable for any indirect or consequential losses, including but not limited to, the loss of revenue; actual or anticipated profits; reputation; goodwill; business; damage or corruption of data to the fullest extent allowed by law. Whilst we strive to provide our users with the most satisfactory matches, we also hold no legal liability for any problems or disputes that may arise. We may also provide links to other websites with services offered by our partners. Premium House Tutor takes no responsibility for any content or offers in respect of our partners and linked sites. We are also not liable for the accuracy or reliability of offers or content of linked sites. At the request of our users, we may also specify gender preferences in the assignment messages that we send our through various platforms. This is entirely due to the specified preferences made by our users. We do not condone any form of bigotry or sexism. You agree to defend, hold and indemnify harmless House Tutor, its officers and employees for any costs, losses, liabilities and expenses relating to or arising out of users use of or inability to use the Site or services, any user postings made by you, your violation of any terms of this contract or your breach of any third party rights, or your violation of any applicable laws, rules or regulations. 8. Rules and Regulations All content that is on our website and other platforms is the property of Premium House Tutor and is protected by copyright and other applicable laws. You will not publish, transmit or make use of any of the content available on our website without prior consent of our company. Through the use of our platform, users may also be enabled to communicate with other users or with the public. You agree to use such communication purposes only for their intended purposes. You also agree not to use our communication platforms to harass or defame other users, as well as upload files that may content indecent or obscene materials. You may also not use the communication service to sell or buy other goods or services not directly related to the communication service. Your personal contact details should also not be shared through our communication services, unless explicitly permitted to do so. House Tutor does not endorse or approve of any of the information found in our communication services, and we are not liable for any damages which may arise from the usage of our communication services. The users on our communication services do not represent our company. We also reserve the right to review and remove the content posted on our communication services without prior notice. Users agree that any disputes which may arise as a result of our Terms and Conditions will be overcome only by arbitration subject to the laws of Singapore. 9. Modification and Effectiveness of Terms Premium House Tutor reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Our users are responsible for reviewing the Terms and Conditions. Our terms and conditions form a contract which supersede all other agreements between users and Premium House Tutor.


Premium Education offers a comprehensive range of educational services including 1-to-1 tuition with over 10,000 tutors for all subjects and levels, ensuring personalized educational support. We also provide enrichment programs in areas like piano, violin, guitar, tennis, and badminton, emphasizing the development of technical skills and artistic expression. Our group classes, conducted by top tutors, promote collaborative learning and peer engagement. Additionally, we also specialise in education consulting for entry tests such as AEIS and international school admissions tests, offering expert guidance for seamless admissions. 


WhatsApp+65 91154079

Operating Hours: Available 24 hours



Woods Square Solo 1, 10 Woodlands Square, Singapore 737714

© Copyright by Premium House Tutor Pte Ltd | UEN: 201929992G
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